Capture the Spirit of Spring
“An optimist is the human personification of spring.”
– Susan J. Bissonette
Spring brings with it hope and optimism, and the signs are all around us. Brightly colored flowers adorn homes and parks, lawns and trees are becoming a lush green, the days are longer and warmer, and our emotions are lifted by the extra sunlight. Springtime is a time of growth, renewal, of new life being born, and of the cycle of life once again starting. At this time of year we begin to feel less sluggish and become more open to inviting changes–both big and small–into our lives.
Spring has always been considered as a time for change and personal evolution, too. A common way to embrace that sense of vibrant optimism is to clear away that which you no longer need. For that very reason, many psychologists believe spring cleaning serves a valuable function. We declutter our homes and start off fresh, symbolizing those new beginnings. It’s also the perfect time to clean out any cobwebs of negative thoughts that exist in our minds. Grab a rag and dust the “I can’t do this” and “this will never work” self-talk right into the trash. Discarding negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive affirmations delivers a renewed spirit.
Spring is good for our mental health. Warmer temperatures mean we can spend more time outdoors and enjoying the benefits of nature. Research has proven that taking walks in nature slows the heart rate and makes us feel more relaxed, but some studies indicate that there’s something special about spring's effect on the brain. For example, a University of Michigan study found that spending 30 minutes or more outside in warm, sunny spring weather was linked to a better mood and enhanced memory.
Ultimately, spring is all about opportunity. It’s a special time for cultivating the qualities of optimism, of strengthening belief in ourselves, and for recognizing and nurturing our abilities.